The moon man mask is designed to perform the same functions. But any mask, whatever it is, is needed in order to hide something or help in something. Carnival, theatrical, sports, professional, protective, military, medical, cosmetic and even emotional mask, which we can wear every day. What is the use of an moon man mask? Moon Man Mod Doom Gameplay We meet with different masks in our life.

The files included in this archive are property of their respective copyright holders, and you may not modify any part of this package without their. Works in Sven Co-op 5.x and comes with a unique pose for the splash image, doesn't support team colors. Old version of a Moon Man model that I rigged, based off of McDonald's mascot Mac Tonight.

This is just a fan mod of one of the most awesome game series to date! Tools (All versions) and Armors (1.12/1.14). The Third Reich' Doom Mod Video if anyone is interested. By request i recently made a 'Sailor Moon vs. They are from a time where some US TV station decided not to re-run the sailor moon tv series and fans protested with things like this mod. All of them are a little strange even for a sailor moon fan. I played some other Sailor Moon Doom Mods. Moon man(2).wad is a PWAD playable on DOOM2. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Anyone knows where to get the moon man mod for Doom? Save hide report.